An Enduring Tradition: Inuit Carving from Arctic Quebec
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
Arctic Quebec Print Collection *72
(annual collection)
Arctic Quebec Print Collection *74
(annual collection)
Arctic Quebec Print Collection *75
(annual collection)
Arctic Quebec Print Collection (printmaker) *75
(annual collection)
Arctic Quebec Print Collection II *73
(annual collection)
Arctic Quebec Print Collection II *74
(annual collection)
Art Inuit
Galerie Castel
Art Inuit
Banque Royale du Canada
Art Inuit
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Chapelle de la Visitation
Art Inuit
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at La Halle aux Bles
Art Inuit
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de l'Europe
Art Inuit
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Le Theatre
Art Inuit
Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de l'Europe
Aux frontieres de l'imaginaire inuit
Galerie du Trait-Carre
Canadian Eskimo Art: a representative exhibition from the collection of Professor and Mrs. Philip Gray
Fine Arts Gallery, Montana State University
Contemporary Eskimo Sculpture
St. James Church
The Guild Shop
Early Masterpieces of Inuit Sculpture
Feheley Fine Arts
Eskimo Prints from Nouveau-Quebec 1974-1978
Ufundi Gallery
Images of the Far North
Studio Art Gallery, State University of New York
In Celebration
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Inoucdjouac Print Collection *76
(annual collection)
Inuit Games and Contests: The Clifford E. Lee Collection of Prints
University of Alberta
Inuit Graphics from the Past
Arctic Artistry
Inuit Legends in Stone
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Inuit Sculpture 1982
The Raven Gallery
Inuit Traditions in Graphics: 1961-1987
Arctic Artistry
Kunstwerke der Inuit
Presented by CreARTion, Eppstein in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies at the Hotel am Badersee
Les Inuit du Nouveau-Quebec
Musee du Quebec
Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics
Jerusalem Artists' House Museum
Sculpture Inuit 25 Years After
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Sculptures from Inoucdjouac
The Inuit Art Collection, James F. Bacon
The Ancestors/Links Between Worlds
Minnesota Museum of Art
The First Passionate Collector: The Ian Lindsay Collection of Inuit Art
Winnipeg Art Gallery
The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Museum of Man
The Way We Were - Traditional Eskimo Life
Snow Goose Associates
Treasures from Canada's Arctic
Heritage Place
Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection of Inuit Art
Canadian Guild of Craft Quebec
[Inuit Art Exhibition]
Whitby Arts Incorporated, The Station Gallery
Public Collections
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
Anchorage Museum of History and Art
Art Gallery of York University
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College
Traverse City
Luther College
Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal
Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia
National Gallery of Canada
New Brunswick Museum
Saint John
Royal Ontario Museum
Toronto Board of Education Archives and Museum
University of Alberta
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Recent Auction Results
Estimate: 150 — 250
Sold: Oct 2021 — Sold For: $420